
Showing posts from May, 2016

180 degree turn Game-3

Ok this is the third game on the following topic '180 degree turn' Now this will be the most special game in this series as this game is played between Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov in the 1984/85 World Championship. Play Online Chess [Event "1984/85 World Chess Championship"] [Site "?"] [Date "1984.??.??"] [Round "2"] [White "Garry Kasparov"] [Black "Anatoly Karpov"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteELO "?"] [BlackELO "?"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r4rk1/p1nb1ppp/1pp3q1/2npP1B1/5PP1/2N4P/PP1Q2B1/2R2RK1 b KQkq - 0 1"] %Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor 1... f6 2. exf6 gxf6 3. Bh4 f5 4. b4 fxg4 5. hxg4 Nd3 6. Rf3 Nxc1 7. f5 Qg7 8. Qxc1 Rae8 9. Qd2 1/2-1/2 At the cost of the exchange White has created a double edged position in which, after narrowly avoiding defeat , he managed to draw. The counterblow with the h-pawn also occurs , and in the Ruy Lo...

180 degree turn Game-2

This is the second game in this topic, This game is played by Ex-World Champion Max Euwe who made excellent use of latent counterattacking factors in the game. The white queen/knight battery which is threatening to fire after Bxh7+ the pin on the knight at e5, plus the opponent's weaknesses on the a2-g8 diagonal- all this suggests that White has more than sufficient compensation for the pawn and that his activity is very dangerous. But Assessment of the position was changed by the brilliant 21...g5!! Play Online Chess [Event "?"] [Site "Nottingham"] [Date "1936.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Vidmar"] [Black "Euwe"] [Result "*"] [WhiteELO "?"] [BlackELO "?"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "2br1rk1/1pq3pp/pbp2p2/4n3/R3BB2/3N2P1/1PQ1PP1P/5RK1 b KQkq - 0 1"] %Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor 1... g5 2. Bxh7+ Qxh7 3. Bxe5 Ba7 4. Bc3 b5 5. Raa1 c5 6. Qc1 c4 ...

180 degree turn Game-1

Often the defending side succeeds with at tactical pawn counterblow on the very part of the board where the attack is being conducted. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, the pursuer does not even imagine that he may be transformed into the pursued: after all, the 'pursuit' apperars to be being conducted according to all the rules. Meanwhile, if only on the basis of the following examples, one can- and probably should - cast doubts on the old rule, which states that the attacker has more right to a mistake than the defender. This is correct only in conditions of a positional advantage, when there is a methodical siege, not involving rapidly-developing, concrete variations. But a swift combinational attack(such as can occur in the overwhelming majority of modern openings like the Sicilian Defence) demands equal accuracy of both players. Otherwise a counterblow in the attacked sector may be comparable in strength with the detonation of a bomb. It can be landed either...

Attack is the best form of defense Game-2

This is the second game in this series: We learnt that it is not just the counterattacking side who may go wrong. In the following game between Taimanov and Larsen we will study that without great risk of being wrong we can name the factors by which Larsen was guided. Firstly, after 1.. g5 he slightly assumed that such a turn of events would be extremely unexpected for white. Secondly, from the calm waters of positional pressure in the centre, White has to plunge into deep complications where the probability of mistake increases many times. Play Online Chess [Event "?"] [Site "Vinkovci"] [Date "1970.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Taimanov"] [Black "Larsen"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteELO "?"] [BlackELO "?"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r1b2rk1/pp2bppp/2n5/q2p4/5B2/PQN1PN2/1P3PPP/2R1K2R b KQkq - 0 1"] %Created by Caissa's Web PGN Editor 1... g5 2. Bg3 g4 3. Nd4 Nxd4 4. e...

Attack is the best form of defense Game-1

This saying, which does not apply only to chess, is considered universal.  Now if there is a choice between playing for equality and playing for a counterattack, the latter will normally bring greater dividends. Provided,of course, that the player launching the counterattack is not afraid of complications and is ready to take risks. It is not possible to list all the motifs for such a decision: it may be to attack the opponent's king, to disrupt the co-ordination of the enemy pieces which are ready to attack. The following game is between Mikhail-Tal and Vassily Smyslov in 1959 Candidates Tournament Play Online Chess [Event "Candidates Tournament"] [Site "Yugoslavia"] [Date "1959.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Mikhail Tal"] [Black "Vassily Smyslov"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteELO "?"] [BlackELO "?"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r1bq1rk1/pp1nbppp/2pN1n2/6B1/3Q4/5N2/PPP2PPP/2KR...

A day with Harish Kumar

Today I took interview of a well known Chess Coach from Karnataka,Mr. Harish Kumar. He has got 12 years experience as a chess coach who has a lot of patience to teach his students. Now lets see the interview Q1. Sir when were you first introduced to the game? A1. I was first introduced to the game of chess at the age of 9 while my uncle was playing chess with his friends. Q2. When you first saw them playing the game of chess for the first time what was your reaction? A2. I was keenly interested to learn the game,though I was introduced to the traditional chess and did not know the technical name of the pieces. Q3. How did you learn modern chess? A3. I learnt modern chess through my teacher Mr.Krishna Moorthy,the founder of Anand Chess Club in my school. Q4. How did you continue your chess career? A4. I started my professional career by playing some local chess events and school tournaments and later played in District and State level too. Q5. What are your achiev...


Hello Dear readers, This is my first article in my own blog and I hope this will help your chess, So I am going to discuss about the art of defense in chess. Now in chess it can happen that on encountering a prepared variation you have lost the opening       battle or you cant equalised with Black . Yes,you can be outplayed by your experienced opponent in positional manoeuvring or have not guessed your opponent's plan,or have simply been careless - and now your position is serious. Do not despair : you have one last chance. And not such a slight one as might be imagined.This chance is defence.Passive,active,combinational ... It is an essential and highly important component in the game of any player, and it is no accident that even some highly talented players,who have idolized only attack have failed to achieve that which they could well have expected.Therefore Now you know what actually defence is and to perform is the art of defense.