180 degree turn Game-1

Often the defending side succeeds with at tactical pawn counterblow on the very part of the board where the attack is being conducted. This is explained by the fact that, as a rule, the pursuer does not even imagine that he may be transformed into the pursued: after all, the 'pursuit' apperars to be being conducted according to all the rules. Meanwhile, if only on the basis of the following examples, one can- and probably should - cast doubts on the old rule, which states that the attacker has more right to a mistake than the defender. This is correct only in conditions of a positional advantage, when there is a methodical siege, not involving rapidly-developing, concrete variations. But a swift combinational attack(such as can occur in the overwhelming majority of modern openings like the Sicilian Defence) demands equal accuracy of both players. Otherwise a counterblow in the attacked sector may be comparable in strength with the detonation of a bomb. It can be landed either by the g-pawn or the h-pawn.

Now lets see some examples:-
2... g5!!! This move resembles the classic attack from ambush at the attacker's flank, so brilliantly executed by many great commanders. It only needs the white bishop to be diverted from its control of e5- 3.Bxg5 Bxg5 4. Qxg5, when the inclusion in the defence of the black queen- 4...Qxe5- does not leave even a trace of an attack. Though white chooses another way to capitulate.


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